Friday, February 3, 2012

The pickup line that changed the world!

Beaver, Utah. Have you ever heard of it? Driven past it? Gotten some grub at The Garden of Eatin'? Yeah, pretty much a hole in Central Utah along I-15.

However, my visit to Beaver on February 1, 2002, forever changed my life. At that time I was the public relations director for Special Olympics Utah, and the Winter Games were held in this little town. (Let me just put in a plug for Special Olympics! Oh, how I miss those athletes who grab hold of your heart! Oh, how I miss those immediate friends I made. Go! Volunteer!!)

Anyway....there I was, photographing the Unified volleyball games. Unified Sports consists of one "peer" athlete (called a Unified Partner) for one Special Olympics athlete; bowling, basketball, volleyball and bocce are Unified Sports, to name a few. Following one particular game, I noticed one of the Unified players walking towards me looking.... let's Yes, he looked all "cool" and very sure of himself. As he got closer, he pulled out his "guns" (fingers) and said this line that forever changed me...."Hey! Need somebody handsome in those pictures?"

If I had been at the top of my game that day, I definitely would have said, "Why yes! Thank you for asking! I think I'll choose that tall guy over there!" But no...............I had no idea what to say, as I pondered on the fact that someone really cute had just approached me with a PICK-UP LINE!!!! I caved. I took about 30 pictures of him during his next game...we danced together that night at the athletes' Victory Dance.... And that pickup line changed my life.

This picture was taken the day we met....can you tell we were destined for each other?

I couldn't seem to get this guy out of my head. Obviously he was a good man. Who else would volunteer for Special Olympics?

Long story short, one month later to the day (March 1, 2002) we had our first date. I invited him. Two months later May 11, 2002 we were engaged, and six months to the day after we met, we were married in the Salt Lake LDS Temple.

As we just passed this 10-year meeting milestone, I wanted to share some things that help us find joy in our marriage and our childhood-raising journey together! They are not listed in order of importance, simply order of thought process!

  • LAUGH OFTEN AND DAILY. I still remember my first attempt at a turkey dinner. New to the whole turkey thing, I slightly overlooked the part of the cooking instructions that said cook x number of minutes "per pound." My first turkey was finally ready around 11 p.m. at night. We still laugh about that one!
  • COOK TOGETHER. Magic happens in the kitchen!
  • PRAY TOGETHER. Can't stress that one nearly enough. Whatever your religion or beliefs, prayer can never hurt!
  • GO ON ADVENTURES. Our adventures of late are adventures to the kitchen table to play a game and eat a quick bowl of cereal after the kids have gone to bed! But it counts!
  • FLIRT WITH EACH OTHER. Took the kids to Wendy's the other night. Girls sat at one table, and boys were at another. I can't tell you how awesome it was for my honey to "check me out" with his boys. Made me feel like a school girl again, and honestly, it felt pretty good!
  • BE SLOW TO BE OFFENDED. It's pretty easy to get offended, especially by your spouse. When you choose, however, to take the road less traveled and refrain from getting offended...wonderful things happen. Hearts are softened. Love abounds!
  • BE INTIMATE! Even a small touch can go a long way and be remembered for a long time.
  • FORGIVE, FORGIVE, FORGIVE! (that includes forgiving yourself too!)

So, my sweet pick-up-line guy, thank you for being confident (and thinking my glasses were cool) and approaching me with your guns blazing!

I'm also happy to report that I am still a mother and that my kids love me! So much, in fact, that I was just brought to a restaurant in the toy room and was treated to some cake crumbles, a jam & cheese sandwich with the jam on TOP of the sandwich and a Capri Sun. "Mom, this is for you, because you've been so nice to us lately!" THAT, my friends, is the sound of success. I enjoyed EVERY delicious, sticky bite!


  1. I remember you telling us this story. Congrats on the 10 year mark of your first meeting.

  2. What a great story! So glad you shared. (Gives me hope that there's still someone perfect for me out there somewhere!)

  3. I can totally picture your husband doing that!
